32 blog Obszar roboczy 1

18 April 2021

Hashimoto’s symptoms you may not know about

Livia Popow

The symptoms of Hashimoto’s are often quite unusual and even rare. Additionally, they usually don’t come from just one system but from many at once – gastrointestinal, neurological, circulatory or other. Therefore, if you suspect any or all of the following symptoms, consult your doctor.

Hashimoto’s symptoms you can see – hair loss

Hashimoto’s symptoms are bothersome, but the ones that are most painful for us to experience are the ones that others see in us. Although hair loss is a very common symptom of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, many people do not know that if they are diagnosed with alopecia areata, they may have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

Studies have shown that patients who are diagnosed with alopecia areata also have undiagnosed hypothyroid disease. And most commonly, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. If your hair loss does not go away after starting treatment for hypothyroidism, it is important to consult your doctor about the possibility of alopecia areata. Don’t worry! A quick diagnosis can help protect your hairstyle!

Dermatitis herpetiformis

Hashimoto’s symptoms are not always accurately diagnosed by doctors because the number of symptoms is enormous. They are also not always very common or characteristic. Dermatitis herpetiformis is a rare skin condition associated with Hashimoto’s. According to studies, only 5-20% of patients have both Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and dermatitis herpetiformis. However, this is often associated with the atrophic rather than the callous variant of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Simply put, dermatitis herpetiformis is the skin manifestation of celiac disease. Celiac disease is a diagnosed, permanent intolerance to gluten.

It is very important to remember that although Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is usually accompanied by celiac disease, dermatitis herpetiformis is extremely rare. Therefore, it is important to monitor for Hashimoto’s skin symptoms. These may include various skin lesions, itchy skin, festoon-like and always symmetrical small blisters or papules. Skin lesions often appear on the face, shoulder blades, knees, elbows and neck.


Hashimoto’s symptoms can also affect more intimate matters such as sexual desire. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis can sometimes be accompanied by low libido. Not only that, but it can cause impairment of normal sexual function. This, unfortunately, can lead to lower self-esteem, stress, and even depression in someone going through it. Especially if he or she is unaware of the fact that he or she has Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

On the other hand, studies have shown that after long-term treatment for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, normal sexual function can be restored. This is very good news, right?

Hashimoto’s Symptoms You Can’t See – Hashimoto’s Encephalopathy

Another common group of symptoms are those related to mental health and brain fog. Not often mentioned is that this can be a precursor to Hashimoto’s encephalopathy. Encephalopathy is a disease in which brain function is affected by some factor or condition. In this case it would be Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and thyroid hormones or lack thereof.

Although rare cases have been reported where patients have suffered from clinical depression or even go through episodes of psychosis. It has also been hypothesized that Hashimoto’s encephalopathy may develop into dementia. Unfortunately, research on Hashimoto’s encephalopathy is still very young and in its early stages. However, Hashimoto’s symptoms affecting mental health are considered to be among the most troublesome for sufferers. Initially, they only concern lethargy, forgetfulness or lack of concentration at work. But in the long run of not treating Hashimoto’s, these symptoms get worse and worse. There are many so-called “triggers” or brain fog triggers. You can easily track and analyze them in the Hashiona app.

No symptoms

The symptoms of Hashimoto’s are not always noticeable. Unfortunately, many people do not know that Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is asymptomatic in its early stages. Often patients don’t know they have Hashimoto’s because they avoid going to the doctor. They also skip annual check-ups, ignoring early symptoms (weight gain, depression, brain fog, fatigue, etc.).

It is important to remember that the human body likes to maintain homeostasis, it does not welcome change. Therefore, in the first place, if any of these symptoms start to appear install the app and follow the signals coming from your body. Then, go to your doctor with them. Minimizing problems or even explaining them to avoid going to the doctor can cause more problems in the long run.

Livia Popow

I am a student of dietetics on the third year of studies at Warsaw University of Life Sciences, my passion is sport, especially horse riding and pole dance, I am very interested in people after injury and those who start their adventure with sport at a later age. I am interested in sports dietetics, in the future I plan to bind my passion with my interest in sports dietetics